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Welcome to The Snippet Library Database.

Category Title Added # of Hits
PHP / Statistics ServerStats 3.0   Zip File Dec 07, 2021 37382
ColdFusion / Regular Expression Returning backreferences into an array Sep 09, 2002 27113
HTML / Misc. Vertical Text Mar 07, 2002 21551
PHP / Database Simple Database Viewer Mar 25, 2002 19336
PHP / Email Email with an attachment Feb 26, 2003 14335
Javascript / Forms OnSelect change Nov 04, 2002 14077
PHP / Misc Printer-friendly script   Zip File Dec 06, 2021 12594
PHP / File Manipulation Replace hard breaks Jan 12, 2006 11977
PHP / Authentication Cookie Setting Apr 08, 2002 11624
Javascript / User Information User Info Jul 17, 2002 11466
PHP / Email HTML Based Email Oct 29, 2020 6891
PHP / Navigation PHP Query Strings Nov 04, 2003 6826
PHP / Database Flat File DB Jan 18, 2003 6634
Javascript / Cookies Using a cookie Apr 18, 2002 6604
Visual Basic / Internet and Web Update Program Aug 19, 2002 6493

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