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ID: 101
Viewed: 19335
Added: Mar 25, 2002
Snippet uploaded by: snippet
Written By: snippet
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This little script is a short way to see the contents of a table in a MySql database.

Change the names to reflect your connection to the database and the field names for the table and categories.

username = the name you need to connect to the database.
password = the password fo the database.
database_name = your name for the database.
table = the name of the table in the database.
field1 = the name of the rows (categories) in that table.



mysql_connect ("localhost","use\r\name","password");
mysql_select_db ("database_name");

$sql = "select * from table";
$result = mysql_query ($sql);

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$field1= $row["field1"];
$field2= $row["field2"];

echo "$field1<br>";
echo "$field2<p>";


Subject: retrive
[ Reply ]
Comment By: caleb on 19th of December 2009 05:17 AM

my echo is just displaying the code instead of what is in the database. what am i doing wrong?

Subject: re: retrive
[ Reply ]
Comment By: snippet on 04th of January 2010 05:29 AM

If you mean your page is showing php code then your webhost doesn't have php turned on. also make sure you use double quotes and not single quotes.

Subject: thank you
[ Reply ]
Comment By: paul on 16th of April 2010 07:12 PM

hey thanks so much for the script it worked perfect! Great instructions!

Subject: Thankyou!
[ Reply ]
Comment By: on 15th of July 2010 01:04 PM

Thanks so much for this code! It is brilliant!

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