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ID: 121
Viewed: 6604
Added: Apr 18, 2002
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Written By: Webmonkey
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This example shows how to set adn read a cookie by javascript. very easy to impliment adn use.



 <script language="JavaScript">


WM_setCookie(), WM_readCookie(), WM_killCookie()
A set of functions that eases the pain of using cookies.

Source: Webmonkey Code Library

Author: Nadav Savio
Author Email:

// This next little bit of code tests whether the user accepts cookies.
var WM_acceptsCookies = false;
if(document.cookie == '') {
document.cookie = 'WM_acceptsCookies=yes'; // Try to set a cookie.
if(document.cookie.indexOf('WM_acceptsCookies=yes') != -1) {
WM_acceptsCookies = true;
}// If it succeeds, set variable
} else { // there was already a cookie
WM_acceptsCookies = true;

function WM_setCookie (name, value, hours, path, domain, secure) {
if (WM_acceptsCookies) { // Don't waste your time if the browser doesn't accept cookies.
var not_NN2 = (navigator && navigator.appName
&& (navigator.appName == 'Netscape')
&& navigator.appVersion
&& (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) == 2))?false:true;

if(hours && not_NN2) { // NN2 cannot handle Dates, so skip this part
if ( (typeof(hours) == 'string') && Date.parse(hours) ) { // already a Date string
var numHours = hours;
} else if (typeof(hours) == 'number') { // calculate Date from number of hours
var numHours = (new Date((new Date()).getTime() + hours*3600000)).toGMTString();
document.cookie = name + '=' + escape(value) + ((numHours)?(';expires=' + numHours):'') + ((path)?';path=' + path:'') + ((domain)?';domain=' + domain:'') + ((secure && (secure == true))?'; secure':''); // Set the cookie, adding any parameters that were specified.
} // WM_setCookie

function WM_readCookie(name) {
if(document.cookie == '') { // there's no cookie, so go no further
retu\r\n false;
} else { // there is a cookie
var firstChar, lastChar;
var theBigCookie = document.cookie;
firstChar = theBigCookie.indexOf(name); // find the start of 'name'
var NN2Hack = firstChar + name.length;
if((firstChar != -1) && (theBigCookie.charAt(NN2Hack) == '=')) { // if you found the cookie
firstChar += name.length + 1; // skip 'name' and '='
lastChar = theBigCookie.indexOf(';', firstChar); // Find the end of the value string (i.e. the next ';').
if(lastChar == -1) lastChar = theBigCookie.length;
retu\r\n unescape(theBigCookie.substring(firstChar, lastChar));
} else { // If there was no cookie of that name, retu\r\n false.
retu\r\n false;
} // WM_readCookie

function WM_killCookie(name, path, domain) {
var theValue = WM_readCookie(name); // We need the value to kill the cookie
if(theValue) {
document.cookie = name + '=' + theValue + '; expires=Fri, 13-Apr-1970 00:00:00 GMT' + ((path)?';path=' + path:'') + ((domain)?';domain=' + domain:''); // set an already-expired cookie
} // WM_killCookie

if (WM_readCookie("surveyCookie") == "done")
alert("you've had your chance!");
window.location = "";
} else {

WM_setCookie("surveyCookie", "done", 240000, "/");
// -->

<h1>Answer me these questions three!</h1>
What is your name: <input type="text" size="40"><br>
What is your quest: <input type="text" size="40"><br>
What is the average air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow: <input type="text" size="40"><br>
<input type="button" value="answer" onClick="alert('aaaiiieeeeee!!!!!nthanks for filling out the surveynif you haven't seen Monty Python and Holy Grail, you should!'); window.location='';">

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