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ID: 516
Viewed: 5848
Added: Nov 03, 2003
Version: 1.0
Snippet uploaded by: Martyn Coupland
Written By: DA Master
Demo: Sorry, no demo

User Rated at: 4 Stars4 Stars4 Stars4 Stars
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This really simple bit of code will display a custom message if a variable is set to Off or display your HTML code if it's set to On.


/* status.php is simply a variable with On assigned as a default variable, you can change this to Off to make your site offline. Copy the code below and save it to status.php:


$status = "On"; // Change to Off to make site offline


Before uploading this remove all the comments above */

include("/path/to/status.php"); // Include the file with the status

if($status == 'Off') // If the status is Off then show this
echo "Site is currently offline";
} else
{ ?>


 <!-- HTML CODE HERE -->

<?php } ?>

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