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ID: 514
Viewed: 4848
Added: Oct 03, 2003
Version: all
Snippet uploaded by: Aaron Campbell
Written By: Aaron D. Campbell
Demo: Sorry, no demo

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This is a simple picture.php file that lets you pass it the img src, the alt, the page title, and the alternate title for the image. You would call it like this:

Make sure that spaces get replaced with %20 and that &'s are replaced with & in all your links.

<?php if (!$_GET['picture'])
$picture = "";
} else {
$picture = $_GET['picture'];
<?php if (!$_GET['alt'])
$alt = "picture";
} else {
$alt = stripslashes($_GET["alt"]);
<?php if (!$_GET['alttitle'])
$alttitle = $alt;
} else {
$alttitle = stripslashes($_GET["alttitle"]);
<?php if (!$_GET['title'])
$title = $alt;
} else {
$title = stripslashes($_GET["title"]);
<title><? echo $title ?></title>


 <div align="center"><a href="javascript:history.back(1)">Back</a>

<img src="images/<? echo $picture ?>" alt="<? echo $alt ?>" title="<? echo $alttitle ?>" />

<a href="javascript:history.back(1)">Back</a>

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