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ID: 467
Viewed: 3871
Added: Aug 19, 2002
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The subroutines I have created allow you
to augment the text by adding special
effects such as bold, underline, italics
and one of three colours (Red, Blue or

The effects are enabled by adding
control codes to the text to be displayed. These codes consist of a tilde (~) followed by a one or two character
modifier. The current list is:

~B Toggles bold on and off
~I Toggles italics on and off
~U Toggles underline on and off
~CR Switches to red text
~CB Switches to blue text
~CG Switches to green text
~CN Switches back to normal (black) text.

The text is displayed in a picture control and will be word wrapped at the edge of the control.

The format of the subroutine call is:

DisplayText picText, sText

Where "picText" is the name of the picture control you wish to display the text in and "sText" is the text string to
display. For the purposes of the sample code, the text to be displayed is defined in the Form_Load procedure.

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Sub DisplayText (picText As Control, sText As String)


' Displays text in the picture box, word wrapping at the relevant points.


Dim sString As String
Dim sWords As String
Dim nWordLen As Single
Dim nPos As Integer


'* Copy the input string and remove extraneous spaces


sString = Trim$(sText)


'* Reset the picture box state


picText.CurrentX = 0
picText.CurrentY = 0
picText.FontBold = False
picText.FontItalic = False
picText.FontUnderline = False
picText.AutoRedraw = True


'* If there are no formatting codes, just display the text


nPos = InStr(sString, "~")


'* Loop printing text until we run out of control characters


Do While nPos > 0


'* Extract any leading text


sWords = Left$(sString, nPos - 1)
sString = Mid$(sString, Len(sWords) + 1)


'* If there is leading text, display it


If Len(sWords) > 0 Then DisplayTextBlock picText, sWords


'* Set the required formatting attribute


sWords = Left$(sString, 2)
sString = Mid$(sString, 3)

Select Case UCase$(sWords)
Case "~C"


'* Colour change : the next colour indicates which

'* colour we want to switch to; r=red, g=green, b=blue,

'* n=normal(black)


sWords = Left$(sString, 1)
sString = Mid$(sString, 2)


'* Check which colour they want


Select Case UCase$(sWords)

Case "R"

picText.ForeColor = RGB(255, 0, 0)

Case "G"

picText.ForeColor = RGB(0, 255, 0)

Case "B"

picText.ForeColor = RGB(0, 0, 255)

Case "N"

picText.ForeColor = RGB(0, 0, 0)

End Select

Case "~B"


'* Toggle the setting of the bold flag


picText.FontBold = Not picText.FontBold

Case "~U"


'* Toggle the setting of the underline flag


picText.FontUnderline = Not picText.FontUnderline

Case "~I"


'* Toggle the setting of the italics flag


picText.FontItalic = Not picText.FontItalic

End Select


'* Now we loop to do the next one


nPos = InStr(sString, "~")


'* Display whats left


If Len(sString) > 0 Then DisplayTextBlock picText, sString

End Sub

Sub DisplayTextBlock (picText As Control, sText As String)


' Displays text in the picture box, word wrapping at the relevant points.


Dim sString As String
Dim sWord As String
Dim nWordLen As Single
Dim nSpace As Integer


'* Stuff a trailing space in the end of a stripped string. This gives

'* an end point for the loop.


sString = sText


'* Loop while there are words to wrap.


Do While Len(sString) > 0
nSpace = InStr(2, sString, " ")
If nSpace = 0 Then nSpace = Len(sString)


'* Get next word and determine its size


sWord = Left$(sString, nSpace)
nWordLen = picText.TextWidth(sWord)


'* See if it will fit on the screen. If not, break the line up.


If (picText.CurrentX + nWordLen) > picText.Width Then


'* Insert a line break.


picText.Print ""


'* If we have leading spaces, drop them


If Right$(sWord, 1) = " " Then
sWord = Trim$(sWord) & " "
sWord = Trim$(sWord)
End If
End If


'* Display the word.


If Len(Trim$(sWord)) > 0 Then picText.Print sWord;


'* Strip word out of string and continue loop.


sString = Mid$(sString, Len(sWord) + 1)

End Sub;

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