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ID: 34
Viewed: 6034
Added: Nov 23, 2001
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Written By: Unknown
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This faqt builds on which already explains how to set up event handling for table cells. Again IE4/5 and NN6 simply provide the event handler for the TR element so TR ONMOUSEOVER="this.bgColor = 'lime'" ONMOUSEOUT="this.bgColor = document.bgColor;" works. Again NN4 doesn't support any event handlers for the TR element but the code already provided for TD elements just needs handlers set up which handle the complete row. Here is an example setting onclick bgColor change for a row:

if (document.layers) document.write('<STYLE>TD.cell { position: relative; } </STYLE>');
function initTableLayers (tableName, rows, cols) {

if (document.layers) {
var maxHeight = new Array (rows);
var maxWidth = new Array (cols);
for (var r = 0; r < rows; r++)
maxHeight[r] = 0;
for (var c = 0; c < cols; c++)
maxWidth[c] = 0;
for (var r = 0; r < rows; r++)
for (var c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
var cell = document[tableName + 'Cell' + r + '_' + c];
if (maxHeight[r] < cell.clip.height)
maxHeight[r] = cell.clip.height;
for (var c = 0; c < cols; c++)
for (var r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
var cell = document[tableName + 'Cell' + r + '_' + c];
if (maxWidth[c] < cell.clip.Width)
maxWidth[c] = cell.clip.Width;
for (var r = 0; r < rows; r++)
for (var c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
var cell = document[tableName + 'Cell' + r + '_' + c];
cell.clip.Width = maxWidth[c];
cell.clip.height = maxHeight[r];
cell.rowIndex = r; cell.colIndex = c;
cell.tableName = tableName; cell.cols = cols;
var ol = cell.ol = new Layer(maxWidth[c]);
ol.cell = cell;
ol.clip.height = maxHeight[r];
ol.Left = cell.pageX; = cell.pageY;
ol.visibility = 'show';
function initTableEventHandler (tableName, rows, cols, event, handler) {
if (document.layers) {
var cell0_0 = document[tableName + 'Cell0_0'];
if (!cell0_0.ol) initTableLayers (tableName, rows, cols);
for (var r = 0; r < rows; r++) for (var c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
var cell = document[tableName + 'Cell' + r + '_' + c];
if (event.toLowerCase() == 'click')
cell.ol['On' + event.toLowerCase()] = handler;
var activeRowIndex = -1;
var activeRow = null;
var highColor = 'lime'
function trClick (evt) {
if (activeRowIndex != -1)
for (var c = 0; c < this.cell.cols; c++)

document[this.cell.tableName + 'Cell' + activeRowIndex + '_' + c].bgColor = document.bgColor;
activeRowIndex = this.cell.rowIndex;
for (var c = 0; c < this.cell.cols; c++)
document[this.cell.tableName + 'Cell' + activeRowIndex + '_' + c].bgColor = highColor;
function trClickDOM (row) {
if (activeRow) activeRow.bgColor = document.bgColor;
activeRow = row;
activeRow.bgColor = highColor;
function init() {
initTableEventHandler ('table1', 3, 3, 'click', trClick);


 <BODY onload="init();">
<TR onClick="trClickDOM(this);">
<TD ID="table1Cell0_0" CLASS="cell"> Kibology </TD>
<TD ID="table1Cell0_1" CLASS="cell"> For </TD>
<TD ID="table1Cell0_2" CLASS="cell"> all </TD>
<TR onClick="trClickDOM(this);">
<TD ID="table1Cell1_0" CLASS="cell"> Kibology </TD>
<TD ID="table1Cell1_1" CLASS="cell"> For </TD>
<TD ID="table1Cell1_2" CLASS="cell"> all </TD>
<TR onClick="trClickDOM(this);">
<TD ID="table1Cell2_0" CLASS="cell" VALIGN="top"> Scriptology </TD>
<TD ID="table1Cell2_1" CLASS="cell" VALIGN="top"> For </TD>
<TD ID="table1Cell2_2" CLASS="cell"> all. <BR> All For Scriptology

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