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ID: 255
Viewed: 2858
Added: Jul 26, 2002
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Written By: Waty Thierry
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'Put this code in a BAS file
'Here are a function to colorize VB Code in a RTF control.

'If you have VB Code in a RTF control, you can colorize it the same way as in VB.

'You have to make a call to "InitColorize" before using it.

'Sample :
' *** Add VB code in a RTF control
' Call InitColorize
' Call ColorizeWords(rtfVBCode)
' *** Now your VB code in your RTF control is colorized

' #VBIDEUtils#************************************************************
' * Programmer Name : Waty Thierry
' * Web Site :
' * E-Mail :
' * Date : 30/10/98
' * Time : 14:47
' * Module Name : Colorize_Module
' * Module Filename : Colorize.bas
' **********************************************************************
' * Comments : Colorize in black, blue, green the VB keywords
' **********************************************************************

Highlight all by clicking in box
Option Explicit

Private gsBlackKeywords As String
Private gsBlueKeyWords As String

Highlight All

Public Sub ColorizeWords(RichTextBox1 As RichTextBox)
' #VBIDEUtils#************************************************************
' * Programmer Name : Waty Thierry
' * Web Site :
' * E-Mail :
' * Date : 30/10/98
' * Time : 14:47
' * Module Name : Colorize_Module
' * Module Filename : Colorize.bas
' * Procedure Name : ColorizeWords
' * Parameters :
' * rtf As RichTextBox
' **********************************************************************
' * Comments : Colorize in black, blue, green the VB keywords
' **********************************************************************

Dim sBuffer As String
Dim nI As Long
Dim nJ As Long
Dim sTmpWord As String
Dim nStartPos As Long
Dim nSelLen As Long
Dim nWordPos As Long

'Dim cHourglass As class_Hourglass
'Set cHourglass = New class_Hourglass

sBuffer = RichTextBox1.Text
sTmpWord = ""
With RichTextBox1
For nI = 1 To Len(sBuffer)
Select Case Mid(sBuffer, nI, 1)
Case "A" To "Z", "a" To "z", "_"
If sTmpWord = "" Then nStartPos = nI
sTmpWord = sTmpWord & Mid(sBuffer, nI, 1)

Case Chr(34)
nSelLen = 1
For nJ = 1 To 9999999
If Mid(sBuffer, nI + 1, 1) = Chr(34) Then
nI = nI + 2
Exit For
nSelLen = nSelLen + 1
nI = nI + 1
End If

Case Chr(39)
.SelStart = nI - 1
nSelLen = 0
For nJ = 1 To 9999999
If Mid(sBuffer, nI, 2) = vbCrLf Then
Exit For
nSelLen = nSelLen + 1
nI = nI + 1
End If
.SelLength = nSelLen
.SelColor = RGB(0, 127, 0)

Case Else
If Not (Len(sTmpWord) = 0) Then
.SelStart = nStartPos - 1
.SelLength = Len(sTmpWord)
nWordPos = InStr(1, gsBlackKeywords, "*" & sTmpWord & "*", 1)
If nWordPos <> 0 Then
.SelColor = RGB(0, 0, 0)
.SelText = Mid(gsBlackKeywords, nWordPos + 1, Len(sTmpWord))
End If
nWordPos = InStr(1, gsBlueKeyWords, "*" & sTmpWord & "*", 1)
If nWordPos <> 0 Then
.SelColor = RGB(0, 0, 127)
.SelText = Mid(gsBlueKeyWords, nWordPos + 1, Len(sTmpWord))
End If
If UCase(sTmpWord) = "REM" Then
.SelStart = nI - 4
.SelLength = 3
For nJ = 1 To 9999999
If Mid(sBuffer, nI, 2) = vbCrLf Then
Exit For
.SelLength = .SelLength + 1
nI = nI + 1
End If
.SelColor = RGB(0, 127, 0)
.SelText = LCase(.SelText)
End If
End If
sTmpWord = ""
End Select
.SelStart = 0

End With

End Sub

Public Sub InitColorize()
' #VBIDEUtils#************************************************************
' * Programmer Name : Waty Thierry
' * Web Site :
' * E-Mail :
' * Date : 30/10/98
' * Time : 14:47
' * Module Name : Colorize_Module
' * Module Filename : Colorize.bas
' * Procedure Name : InitColorize
' * Parameters :
' **********************************************************************
' * Comments : Initialize the VB keywords
' **********************************************************************

gsBlackKeywords = "*Abs*Add*AddItem*AppActivate*Array*Asc*Atn*Beep*Begin*BeginProperty*ChDir*ChDrive*Choose*Chr*Clear*Collection*Command*Cos*CreateObject*CurDir*DateAdd*DateDiff*DatePart*DateSerial*DateValue*Day*DDB*DeleteSetting*Dir*DoEvents*EndProperty*Environ*EOF*Err*Exp*FileAttr*FileCopy*FileDateTime*FileLen*Fix*Format*FV*GetAllSettings*GetAttr*GetObject*GetSetting*Hex*Hide*Hour*InputBox*InStr*Int*Int*IPmt*IRR*IsArray*IsDate*IsEmpty*IsError*IsMissing*IsNull*IsNumeric*IsObject*Item*Kill*LCase*Left*Len*Load*Loc*LOF*Log*LTrim*Me*Mid*Minute*MIRR*MkDir*Month*Now*NPer*NPV*Oct*Pmt*PPmt*PV*QBColor*Raise*Randomize*Rate*Remove*RemoveItem*Reset*RGB*Right*RmDir*Rnd*RTrim*SaveSetting*Second*SendKeys*SetAttr*Sgn*Shell*Sin*Sin*SLN*Space*Sqr*Str*StrComp*StrConv*Switch*SYD*Tan*Text*Time*Time*Timer*TimeSerial*TimeValue*Trim*TypeName*UCase*Unload*Val*VarType*WeekDay*Width*Year*"
gsBlueKeyWords = "*#Const*#Else*#ElseIf*#End If*#If*Alias*Alias*And*As*Base*Binary*Boolean*Byte*ByVal*Call*Case*CBool*CByte*CCur*CDate*CDbl*CDec*CInt*CLng*Close*Compare*Const*CSng*CStr*Currency*CVar*CVErr*Decimal*Declare*DefBool*DefByte*DefCur*DefDate*DefDbl*DefDec*DefInt*DefLng*DefObj*DefSng*DefStr*DefVar*Dim*Do*Double*Each*Else*ElseIf*End*Enum*Eqv*Erase*Error*Exit*Explicit*False*For*Function*Get*Global*GoSub*GoTo*If*Imp*In*Input*Input*Integer*Is*LBound*Let*Lib*Like*Line*Lock*Long*Loop*LSet*Name*New*Next*Not*Object*On*Open*Option*Or*Output*Print*Private*Property*Public*Put*Random*Read*ReDim*Resume*Return*RSet*Seek*Select*Set*Single*Spc*Static*String*Stop*Sub*Tab*Then*Then*True*Type*UBound*Unlock*Variant*Wend*While*With*Xor*Nothing*To*"

End Sub

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