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ID: 247
Viewed: 3470
Added: Jul 22, 2002
Snippet uploaded by: Mark
Written By: Duane Odom
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Fades a picture in different ways

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Public Const FADE_T_TO_B = 0
Public Const FADE_B_TO_T = 1
Public Const FADE_L_TO_R = 2
Public Const FADE_R_TO_L = 3
Public Const FADE_RANDOM = 4
Public Const FADE_OUTWARD = 5

Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)

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Sub Fade(Pic As PictureBox, Style As Integer, Blocks As Integer)

Dim width_section_size As Integer
Dim height_section_size As Integer
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim save_color As Long

'Saves the picbox's current forecolor
save_color = Pic.ForeColor

'Set Pics forecolor to its backcolor
Pic.ForeColor = Pic.BackColor

'Corrects the Blocks if needed
If Blocks < 5 Then Blocks = 5
If Blocks > 100 Then Blocks = 100

'Sets the size of each width section
width_section_size = Pic.ScaleWidth / Blocks

'Sets the size of each height section
height_section_size = Pic.ScaleHeight / Blocks

Select Case Style
Case 0 'Fading top to bottom

For i = 0 To Blocks
For j = 0 To Blocks
Pic.Line ((j * width_section_size), (i * height_section_size))-((j + 1) * width_section_size, (i + 1) * height_section_size), , BF
Case 1 'Fading bottom to top

For i = Blocks To 0 Step -1
For j = 0 To Blocks
Pic.Line (((j - 1) * width_section_size), ((i - 1) * height_section_size))-(j * width_section_size, i * height_section_size), , BF
Case 2 'Fading left to right

For i = 0 To Blocks
For j = 0 To Blocks
Pic.Line ((i * width_section_size), (j * height_section_size))-((i + 1) * width_section_size, (j + 1) * height_section_size), , BF
Case 3 'Fading right to left

For i = Blocks To 0 Step -1
For j = 0 To Blocks
Pic.Line (((i - 1) * width_section_size), (j * height_section_size))-(i * width_section_size, (j + 1) * height_section_size), , BF
Case 4 'Fading Random

Dim bit_array() As Byte
ReDim bit_array(Blocks, Blocks)

Dim counter As Integer

width_next_block = Int(Blocks * Rnd) 'Generate the random numbers
height_next_block = Int(Blocks * Rnd) 'Generate the random numbers
'MsgBox bit_array(width_next_block, height_next_block)
If bit_array(width_next_block, height_next_block) = 0 Then
Exit Do
End If
counter = counter + 1
If counter = Blocks * 10 Then Exit Do

If counter = Blocks * 10 Then Exit Do
counter = 0

'Update the bit_array
bit_array(width_next_block, height_next_block) = 1

Pic.Line ((width_next_block * width_section_size), (height_next_block * height_section_size))-((width_next_block + 1) * width_section_size, (height_next_block + 1) * height_section_size), , BF


Pic.Line (0, 0)-(Pic.ScaleWidth, Pic.ScaleHeight), , BF

Case 5 'Fading Outward

For i = (Blocks / 2) To 0 Step -1
Sleep (20)
Pic.Line (i * width_section_size, i * height_section_size)-(((Blocks - i) + 1) * width_section_size, ((Blocks - i) + 1) * height_section_size), , BF

End Select

'Restores the picbox's original forecolor
Pic.ForeColor = save_color

End Sub;

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