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ID: 192
Viewed: 3565
Added: Apr 29, 2002
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Check for valid input in text box

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'Put this subroutine in BAS module
Public Function ValidChar(InSearch As String, InCriteria As String) As Boolean
'Purpose: Check for valid input
'Input: String from text box, Criteria string
'Output: True or False

Dim SearchCtr As Integer
Dim SearchLen As Integer
SearchLen = Len(Trim(InSearch))

' if nothing to search for, leave and say its okay
If (SearchLen = 0) Then
ValidChar = True
Exit Function
End If

' test each character
For SearchCtr = 1 To SearchLen
If InStr(1, InCriteria, Mid(InSearch, SearchCtr, 1), 1) = 0 Then
' it fails, exit now
ValidChar = False
Exit Function
End If
ValidChar = True
End Function

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'Put this code in text box
If Len(txtText) > 0 Then
'Exit if other than numeric data entered
If ValidChar(txtText.Text, "0123456789") = False Then
MsgBox "Please enter whole numbers only" + vbCrLf + "No leading spaces allowed", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "Validation Error"
Exit Sub
End If
End If

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